My life from the inside. People always have their opinions but no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. My autobiography opens the door, just a little, to give you an idea of what life has been like so far for me, Françoise Pascal.

There’s not many things that I haven’t been through in my life, the lows – unhappy and turbulent relationships, abortion, rape, affairs, drugs, dealing with the death of loved ones and the highs – the birth of my son, Nicholas, a glittering film, stage and television career covering many years (which still continues to this day), an abundance of caring thoughtful friends, travel to far flung and exotic places and invitations to fabulous parties sprinkled with celebrities – to name but a few.

Some of you will appreciate my feelings at my life’s low points but I dragged myself back, focused and picked up the pieces and carried on. Everyone has the odd skeleton in their cupboard... I’m sharing mine with you.